CORC's data analysis and reporting helps organisations understand the impact of their support and discover new insights from their data, based on understanding the specific needs and priorities of each service. This includes analysing change on outcome measures, breaking down results by areas/teams/demographic groups and comparing change with other organisations (benchmarking). We produce clear and understandable reports on complicated data, enabling discussions about the findings and how improvements can be made.

Data analysis and reporting

Our analysis and reporting enables organisations to: 

  • Understand, demonstrate and celebrate the impact that different types of support are having on children and young people  
  • Explore how support is helping different groups of children and young people, for example, gender or ethnic groups 
  • Consider how the outcomes of their support compare with the outcomes of other organisations 
  • Identify areas for further investigation and improvement 

Benefits of CORC reports

CORC reports are designed to provide clear insights that can be readily absorbed and used in various ways to drive improvement:

  • CORC reports provide a clear, objective presentation of the findings from outcomes and experience data  
  • CORC reports enable productive discussions with staff, service leads and commissioners about the findings and how improvements can be made 
  • The findings from CORC reports can be used to engage service users and their families about the impact of support 
  • The opportunity to benchmark against other organisations enables useful comparisons and discussions of possible reasons for differences 

Our approach

We listen to the needs and priorities of each service to determine the most useful approach. We consider the outcomes measures used in a service, by whom, over which timeframe and how the data is captured (the system used and format of data). After reviewing the data we set out possible options for analysis. This includes the option to explore analysis of team, or pathway data (for example, 0-18 core CAMHS service, the eating disorder service, a particular project or intervention).  

How do we report on outcome measures data? 

We specialise in analysing data from outcome and experience measures completed by children, young people, parents, carers and professionals. This includes cleaning data, scoring measures, analysing change between time points and considering how meaningful these changes are. 

Our analysis considers metrics of mean change between time points as well as reliable change. We report how likely it is that changes could be due to measurement error. Analysis can be broken down by demographics where this data is collected, for example by age, gender, ethnicity or geographic area. 

1. Example analysis: mean change


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2. Example analysis: individual changes

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3. Example analysis: comparisons with other services

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4. Example analysis: analysis by gender

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How can CORC receive data? 

Guidance for sending data to CORC can be found here.

How much does it cost?

Data analysis and reporting is available to full members of CORC and to other organisations on a costed basis. 

For members, the approach and extent of analysis is agreed between the member and the CORC team. Please contact your Regional Improvement Officer to discuss your requirements and preferences. 

Non-member organisations can contact for a quote. Work varies from simple analysis of change on a single measure (approximately £500 + VAT) to analysis of multiple measures, demographic breakdowns and comparisons across teams and areas or with data held by CORC. 

We aim to work flexibly with organisations to produce any analysis or reporting in a timely way that meets their needs. However, if you would like us to work to fixed timeframes or deadlines, we ask for three months’ notice of that deadline, to enable lead-in on this request. 

How to get started?

Contact us to discuss your needs with a member of the CORC team:



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