WMfS modular surveys
Our WMfS modular resources were developed to support schools to design their own questionnaires and surveys to understand more about the wellbeing of their pupils. Each module collates tried and tested sets of questions covering different areas of wellbeing, grouped into these five broad areas:
We provide guidance to help schools use these questionnaires in a range of ways with different groups of pupils. Our step by step guide supports schools to develop their own survey to understand the strengths and needs of cohorts of pupils. We also provide guidance about using questionnaires to identify individual needs and evaluate the impact of interventions and support.
Download and share this leaflet PDF about the free modular surveys with your stakeholders, and colleagues who take part.
Booklet with a set of questionnaires to help schools understand the emotional health of their pupils.
Booklet with a set of questionnaires to help schools understand the emotional strengths and skills of their pupils.
Booklet with a set of questionnaires to help schools understand their pupils' relationships.
Booklet with a set of questionnaires to help schools understand what school life is like for their pupils.
Booklet with a set of questionnaires to help schools understand the help and support available to their pupils.
Guidance to help schools use these questionnaires in a range of ways with different groups of pupils.
You can find a Glossary of terms, which may be useful to help pupils, here.