The associate membership option is open to voluntary and not-for-profit organisations: £450 annually (+ VAT).

Our associate members benefit from: 

  • Places at regional and national shared learning events, including CORC Forum and Seminars - 3 places per organisation

  • Access to online resources through the CORC website and members area, including e-learning modules, online training videos and resource library 

  • Access to the CORC Best Practice Framework and self-assessment tool

  • Access to CORC Comparators for commonly used outcome measures, allowing you to compare your own organisation’s data with the change reported by children and young people in the CORC dataset for each measure

  • Share data through CORC - to contribute to CORC research and benchmarking, and to access data analysis reports/support from our team (a CORC report for up to 8 teams or equivalent, or a similar amount of analysis support) 

  • Receive direct support by phone and email - from the CORC team, including a named Regional Improvement Officer for your organisation, to address queries on routine outcome monitoring, evaluation, and evidence-led service improvement

  • Access to up to 4 hours contact time per year with one of the CORC team to address the specific needs of your organisation - this can be discussed to ensure it is most relevant and beneficial to your organisation, but could include: advice about choosing, working with and understanding data from measures, or advice on analysing outcome data, and access to benchmarks for individual measures, based on the CORC dataset

  • Participation in a learning collaboration, bringing you information about the latest academic advances, policy thinking and on the ground developments via CORC's website, monthly e-newsletter and events - providing you opportunity to engage with peers and advance practice

Upgrading to a full member

You can also upgrade to full membership to access the following additional benefits:

  • Your free access to training and events allocation won't have the 3 spaces limitation 

  • Direct support – in addition to contact time with the CORC team, you can receive up to one day of on-site or virtual tailored support, drawing on CORC’s skills and expertise in research, informatics and practice teams in a wide range of areas associated with outcome-focused practice and using evidence – see Full Membership section for further details

  • Reporting or data analysis support tailored to the needs of your service - see Full Membership section for further details or contact us to discuss

Join us as an Associate Member

Further information:

The deadline for membership is the close of the previous financial year (31 March). However, because we understand funding may be available at different times during the financial year, your service can pay membership fees in advance which will then be used for the following year’s membership. Please contact us if you have any questions.

Members can pay more than one year’s membership when they join or renew. Please notify us of your wish to do so when you join or when speaking to us about your membership and we will invoice you accordingly.

If you'd like to arrange a free 20-30 minute conversation with one of our friendly CORC Regional Improvement Officers to discuss your organisation’s needs and how we can help, please just get in touch:  No obligations, just an exploratory and informative opportunity to discuss. 

Full Member details 

Please contact your Regional Improvement Officer for further information or email us at

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