Wellbeing Measurement Framework
Together with colleagues from the National Lottery Community Fund, CORC, the University of Manchester and Common Room, The Evidence Based Practice Unit (EBPU) have developed and the Wellbeing Measurement Framework (WMF), a suite of measurement booklets for primary school, secondary school, and college students. Schools provide a key setting for support and intervention with regard to young people's mental wellbeing and problems, across all age groups, and each WMF is a comprehensive and practical package of validated measures that are designed to assess a range of mental health indices including positive wellbeing, behavioural or emotional difficulties, and the presence and strength of protective factors. See our blog for more information on development and use of the WMF.
Wellbeing Measurement for Schools
In partnership with CORC, EBPU has developed Wellbeing Measurement for Schools. This approach uses measures from the WMF in an online survey for pupils and provides schools with reports that enable them to identify strengths and challenges and compare the mental wellbeing of their pupils with pupils in schools around the country. An online staff survey is also available.
Full details and costs can be found here or by contacting measuringwellbeing@annafreud.org.