• Advantage Mentoring

    Advantage Mentoring

    Advantage is a unique partnership between two community assets and anchor institutions – the charitable arms of Premier League and English Football League clubs; known as Club Community Organisations (CCO), and local NHS. 

    Advantage’s programmes are proven to tackle and reduce Health Inequalities via social prescribing by providing weekly mental health and emotional wellbeing mentoring support. They provide key interventions and assistance for people to proactively manage their mental wellbeing, re-establish aspirations and a sense of connection. They have proven that Advantage successfully overcomes barriers people face to accessing traditional forms of mental health support, such as minority ethnicity, stigma, age, and gender.

    The Advantage Talking Tactics Programme has been designed by senior NHS strategists and CCO staff to increase access to NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) and help tackle and reduce Health Inequalities by providing weekly mental health and emotional wellbeing mentoring support for young people aged 11-21.

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  • Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust

    Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust

    Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust (AWP) provides inpatient and community-based mental health care for people living in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES), Bristol, North Somerset, South Gloucestershire, Swindon and Wiltshire. We also provide specialist services extending throughout the south west.

    The trust employs over 4,000 dedicated members of staff who deliver services from more than 90 locations, working in approximately 150 teams across a geographical region of 2,200 miles, for a population of approximately 1.8 million people.

    They are promoting good mental health and wellbeing and strive to use the expertise and resources within the organisation, and through partnerships, to deliver high quality services that are safe and focused on people's recovery. Their staff are pivotal in everything they do and they are committed to involving them fully in the development of the Trust and the services.

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  • Barnardo's


    At Barnardo’s they're goal is clear – to achieve better outcomes for more children.

    This means helping families – where possible before problems reach crisis point. It means keeping children safe from sexual abuse and exploitation, while supporting victims and survivors to recover and rebuild. It also means addressing children’s mental health and wellbeing, especially when so many have experienced trauma.

    Importantly, at Barnardo’s they now see themselves as a children’s health and social care charity. Historically health and care have often been seen as separate, but they know that for children, their health, wellbeing and safety are all inter-connected, and they only want to tell their story once.

    They also know the reality of children’s lives is constantly shifting – and so are the difficulties they face. Whether it’s threats online, criminal exploitation by gangs, or the needs of children arriving in the UK as refugees, they will be ready to respond and stand ready to help those most in need of their services.

    Key to this is their vision and ambition, championed by their founder Thomas Barnardo, to help create a world in which no child is turned away from the help they need. Within this is an enduring message of inclusion and a belief that help must be accessible to all children, regardless of their background or circumstances.

    View Barnado's website

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  • Barnet Integrated Clinical Services

    Barnet Integrated Clinical Services

    Barnet’s Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) was established under the Health and Social Care Act 2012 to act as a forum in which key local leaders from the local health and care system work together to improve the health and wellbeing of their local population. The Board became fully operational on 1 April 2013. It is a formal committee of the local authority charged with promoting greater integration and partnership between bodies from the NHS, public health and local government.

    The main statutory duties of the HWB Board are to produce a joint strategic needs assessment and a joint Health and Wellbeing strategy for local population. 

    Barnet's Health and Wellbeing strategy focuses on prevention, life course approach in everything we do and it tackles wider determinants of health such as employment, housing and education. Specific priorities of the Board and the Strategy are:

    • Mental health and wellbeing;
    • Healthy Weight;
    • Embedding prevention in care closer to home;
    • Improving children’s outcomes.
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  • Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

    Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

    The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service aims to promote emotional wellbeing and deliver care, treatment and preventative mental health services to young people aged up to 18 who experience significant mental health difficulties.

    CAMHS employ specialist, multi-disciplinary mental health workers who work alongside young people with complex mental health needs.

    CAMHS offers a range of different services including the following:

    • Regional - Inpatient Assessment and Treatment
    • Crisis Intervention and Intensive Intervention
    • Eating Disorder Assessment and Treatment
    • Drug and Alcohol Assessment and Treatment
    • Regional - Identity Assessment and Treatment
    • Regional - Family Trauma Assessment and Treatment
    • Multiple Step 2 Community Services
    • Multiple Step 3 Community Services

    As well as working with young people, CAMHS professionals also provide systemic support for parents and carers.

    CAMHS also offers support and training to staff in schools, youth workers, G.Ps and others who work alongside young people to raise awareness and ensure timely and appropriate referrals are made.

    Read our interview with the Belfast Trust

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  • Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust

    Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust

    Berkshire Healthcare Foundation Trust provides care and support to children, young people and their families in Berkshire. In response to feedback, they have integrated all children’s services so that they can place children and young people at the centre of everything they do.

    They offer:

    • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
    • Children and Young People’s Integrated Therapies (CYPIT)
    • Public Health Nursing (Universal Services)
    • Specialist Children’s Services
    • Other community services for children and young people

    Read this case study

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  • Childhood First

    Childhood First

    Childhood First provide a range of specialist therapeutic services for emotionally and psychologically disturbed children and young people aged 5 to 18, as well as training and consultation for the adults who live and work with them.

    Read our case study

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  • Children's Society

    Children's Society

    The Children's Society is known for it research into children's wellbeing. It seeks to provide the a national picture on how children feel about their lives by asking children themselves. Over the last 12 years the charity has surveyed over 60,000 children as to how they think their lives are going.

    The charity went on to develop the Good Childhood Index in 2010 to provide a measure of subjective well-being in relation to 10 aspects of life for children over the age of eight. It surveys children on topics including their appearance, school life and family relationships among others.

    Each year The Children's Society produces a report based on the index in partnership with the University of York called The Good Childhood Report. This data is used by the Office for National Statistics' Measuring National Well-being Programme as the life satisfaction measure of personal well-being for children.

    The 2016 Good Childhood Report showed "a growing gap in happiness between girls and boys, with girls being particularly unhappy with their appearance". The Good Childhood Report 2017 found that fear of crime is the biggest worry for children and young people.

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  • Cornwall NHS Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

    Cornwall NHS Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

    Cornwall NHS Partnership's mission is to empower the children and families of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly by working together with them and local communities to ensure that every child has a chance to reach their potential.

    Their CAMHS delivers a range of teams for children and young people and covers the spectrum of ages 0 to 18 years old. The different teams offer consultation and evidence-based interventions based on the level of mental health need that children and young people present with.  

    They deliver a range of I-thrive support and interventions across the domains of getting advice, getting help, getting more help, and getting risk support. Find out more information on the I-thrive model.

    Access their website here

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  • Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

    Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust

    Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership Trust provides a wide range of mental health and learning disability services for people of all ages, along with a number of community physical health services for people in Coventry.

    They provide inpatient, community and day clinics, as well as specialist services, to a population of about 1 million people living in Coventry, Warwickshire and Solihull, and some specialist services to a wider geographical area.

    Their services are provided from more than 60 locations and employ more than 4,000 dedicated staff.

    Read this case study

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  • Creative Youth Network

    Creative Youth Network

    Creative Youth Network enables young people, not matter what their background or circumstances, to reach their own potential.  Young people who are experiencing barriers that are preventing them from flourishing. Many of their young people are marginalised, unemployed, not in education, suffer poor mental health, are in care (or are care leavers), are asylum seekers, refugees, disabled, from low income households or are an ethnic minority.

    Helping young people remove or overcome the barriers they face by:

    1. Building trusting relationships with young people that enable us to address their individual needs
    2. Advocating for young people to influence policy and get young voices heard
    3. Providing a wide range of programmes and activities to help young people reach their potential
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  • EDAI


    EDAI is a leading non-profit specialising in Neurodevelopment and Mental Health, offering comprehensive services for children to families. With a unique blend of community engagement, scientific rigor, and an expansive international network, they are committed to pioneering societal well-being through expert clinical practice and research. With clinical centres in Barcelona and Madrid.

    Drawing from the renowned EDAI model, they also bring training experiences, bridging cutting-edge insights with real-world expertise, where you can learn from top clinicians and researchers.

    Visit their website here

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  • Erica Foundation

    Erica Foundation

    The Erica Foundation is a Swedish non-profit organization with the overall goal to reduce mental health problems in children and young people.

    Their vision is that all children and young people get the support they need to live a good life and have the opportunity to reach their full potential.

    They provide the following services:

    • Clinical activities. Treatment, psychotherapy and psycho-educational interventions for children, young people and their families.
    • Support interventions when society fails, such as qualified crisis support for sudden deaths in the family, sexual abuse, domestic violence, suicide/murder and serious events in society.
    • Advanced training in psychotherapy, other treatment and related fields, focusing on children and young people, to strengthen these competences in society. We often train social services, doctors and educators.
    • Research and method development to strengthen and develop our treatment activities and knowledge of effective methods and other approaches for children and young people with mental health problems.
    • Dissemination of knowledge about mental health and ill health in children and young people, for example through participation in the media.
    • Influencing work to improve conditions for children and young people, on issues within the framework of the

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  • Family Action

    Family Action

    Family Action transforms lives by providing practical, emotional and financial support to those who are experiencing poverty, disadvantage and social isolation across the country.

    They have been building stronger families since 1869, and today work with over 60,000 families through over 160 community-based services. Thousands more are supported with financial assistance through education and welfare grants programmes.

    Their innovative services reach out to those in need, to strengthen families and communities, to build skills and resilience and to improve the life chances of children and adults.

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  • Fundació Vidal i Barraquer

    Fundació Vidal i Barraquer

    Spanish institute created in 1964 and dedicated to the field of Health and specifically to Mental Health with integrated teaching and research into mental health and a psychological, social, biological and spiritual perspective.

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  • Green Hub

    Green Hub

    The Green Hub Project for Teens is a local community project serving residents of Godalming, Milford and Witley, along with the broader Waverley and Surrey areas within the UK.

    They started work in July 2021, and have already made a significant impact in the work they do.

    Supporting teens (11-18) facing social, emotional & mental health challenges (SEMH), along with their families and carers, they have five core strands to the free services they offer …

    1. A signature Green Hub Teen Garden program which runs two sessions in each of their two locations, giving stressed, anxious and neuro-diverse teens the chance to experience the calming effect of nature, benefiting their mental wellbeing.
    2. Each month they run two sessions: Parent Hub and Parent Hub Online, to help parents supporting a child with SEMH challenges.
    3. Their Teen Talks team deliver empowering talks to teens, helping them to develop the life skills to help them develop resilience and strategies to handles life’s challenges.
    4. Their free Life Skills for Teens programme is an 8-week online course to support teens with their mental wellbeing; launched in February 2024, it has already been followed by 100 local teens.
    5. They deliver valuable free resources and advice to parents and teens, via website online support.

    Visit their website here

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  • IWK Healthcare

    IWK Healthcare

    The IWK Health Centre Mental Health and Addictions (MHA) programme in Canada, recognized the essential need to understand whether, and how, their clients were achieving improved mental health outcomes. They believed joining CORC would provide them with the support and structure to meet their goals for routine outcome measurement.

    The programme is embedded in a paediatric tertiary care hospital and has over 30,000 individual visits a year from children and youth in Nova Scotia and three nearby provinces.

    Since joining CORC in January 2017, and gaining access to a network of international mental health service providers, MHA are beginning to find solutions to the challenges of how best to measure outcomes in various paediatric mental health settings. 

    Read this case study

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  • Jami


    Jami improves and saves lives impacted by mental illness and distress in the Jewish community.  They support many hundreds of people each year impacted by mental health problems, enabling those isolated because of their mental distress to become re-engaged with their family, friends and local community. Improving mental health understanding for thousands more people through training, seminars and other educational sessions.

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  • Jersey Health and Social Service Department CAMHS

    Jersey Health and Social Service Department CAMHS

    The Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) is a mental health assessment and therapeutic service for children and young people up to the age of 18 and their families.

    They offer assessment, diagnosis and treatment for children and young people suffering from:

    • emotional difficulties
    • behavioural difficulties
    • relationship difficulties
    • developmental difficulties
    • other mental health disorders (eg psychosis, eating disorders)
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  • Just Drop in

    Just Drop in

    Just Drop-In has established an excellent reputation for the quality of its support for young people in Macclesfield. They are available to help and support children and young people who are finding life hard, with a heartfelt commitment to improve their mental health and wellbeing, helping them to find their feet.

    They provide counselling services, wellbeing services, professional training, support for parents and carers and resources for parents and young people. Across all services they seek to:

    • Remove red tape and promote quick and easy access.
    • Ensure their work is outcome focused, based on best evidence and built around need.
    • Provide a person centred, professional, transparent and accountable approach.
    • Promote and value our localism, celebrating community involvement and volunteering.
    • Reduce stigma, promote resilience and seek to intervene early where ever possible.
    • Encourage young people to have a voice and actively participate in the life of the charity.

    The charity is committed to outcome focused work and highly values its CORC membership in understand best practice in monitoring and evaluation.

    Access the Just Drop-in website here

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  • Kids Matter

    Kids Matter

    Kids Matter's vision is to see every child in need raised in a strong family. Where no child is written off simply because of the circumstances they are in.

    More than 4 million children are being raised in poverty and the stress poverty places on them (and their parents) can result in long-term emotional and social problems. They therefore exist to help strengthen families and interrupt that negative trajectory.

    Research has shown that the most effective early intervention to help children is group-based parenting programmes. For children to thrive, it is important for mums, dads and carers to increase their own wellbeing and confidence in their parenting skills. Whilst all parents need support, their effective and accessible programmes have been written for families facing disadvantages.

    They partner with local churches and their community networks to run our evidence-informed programmes in communities and in prisons, equipping mums, dads and carers with the tools (confidence, competence and community) they need to build strong relationships and strong families. Not only does this have a positive impact on child wellbeing and future outcomes, but it also reduces the social and financial costs of family breakdown.

    Visit Kids Matter website

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  • Kooth


    Kooth helps improve the lives of children, young people and adults by connecting them with clinicians and each other in safe, supportive online communities. They are pioneers in online counselling, trusted by the NHS and over 250,000 people who have used or are using their services. They understand how to bring together emerging technologies with innovation in clinical practice and evaluation to create new models of care in mental health.

    Read this case study

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  • Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust

    Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust

    Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust provides a comprehensive specialist CAMHS  aiming to provide a joint agency/multi-disciplinary service to enhance the development of those children with mental health problems and disorders. This will be achieved by:

    • Assessment of children who are experiencing mental health disorders and their families.
    • Treatment of children who are experiencing mental health disorders and their families.
    • Contributing to the development of prevention strategies.
    • Supporting the work of other childcare professionals through consultation, training and supervision.
    • By acting as a specialist resource to managers and planners and commissioners in the development of services.
    • Promotion of the positive mental health of children and adolescents.
    • Training and research. 

    Specialist CAMHS aims to provide a comprehensive service which is able to deal with a range of mental health issues, in collaboration with other agencies to provide the highest quality standards of care and intervention.

    The service covers the whole of East Lancashire across 6 different localities (population circa 520,000). Within each of the localities are specialist CAMHS workers who work primarily with other professionals in primary care. The workers in these localities have direct links into three sector teams. The sector teams consist of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists, Staff Grade Doctors, Community Mental Health Workers, Community Mental Health Nurses, Social Workers, ADHD Practitioners and Occupational Therapists. 

    There is also an Intensive Day Unit, which the three sector teams can access for referral of cases requiring an intensity of input that cannot be provided in conventional outpatient settings. 

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  • Liverpool CAMHS Partnership

    Liverpool CAMHS Partnership

    The Liverpool CAMHS offer aims to promote the mental health, emotional and wellbeing of all children, young people and their families/carers.

    Working together, they respond to the mental health, emotional and wellbeing needs of children, young people and their families/carers. They work with families and professionals to develop their skills and strengths; helping them to manage children and young people’s distress and the impact this may have on the child, young person and the family. Working alongside children and young people, they improve access to services that provide vital support to build resilience, as well as offering help and intervention, enabling children and young people to thrive.

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  • Manchester Foundation Trust CAMHS

    Manchester Foundation Trust CAMHS

    Manchester Foundation Trust CAMHS provides mental health services across Manchester, Salford and Trafford.

    The CAMHS service works across the i-Thrive framework, supporting children and young people to Thrive, offering Advice and Signposting, Getting Help, Getting More Help and Risk Support. They  are committed to improving access by providing the right support at the right time and right place; expanding place-based early support, improving outcomes and experiences of care and treatment; improving integrated care across the continuum of need; reducing unwarranted variation of care and improving communication of the CAMHS offer.

    You can find out more about MFT CAMHS on their website:

    Manchester Foundation Trust website


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  • Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

    Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust

    Mersey Care is one of the largest trusts providing physical health and mental health services in the North West, serving more than 1.4 million people across the region. 

    They offer specialist inpatient and community services that support physical and mental health and specialist inpatient mental health, learning disability, addiction and brain injury services. Mersey Care is one of only three trusts in the UK that offer high secure mental health facilities.

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  • No5 Young People

    No5 Young People

    No5 is a community- based organisation who have been offering free mental health support, counselling and preventative outreach support to young people (aged 11-25) and those around them since 1971.  Their counselling sessions are provided by 65 fully trained volunteer counsellors or counsellors on placement – 65 counsellors offering sessions 5 days a week in Central Reading, local secondary schools, online and on the phone. Their counsellors come from all walks of life and backgrounds but all share a commitment to supporting young people.

    Their vision is for a world that does not stigmatise children and young people’s mental health and accepts it as a normal part of human development.

    Their mission is to provide early intervention services to prevent the development of more serious problems caused by mental or physical ill health or other challenging circumstances, by providing support and advice (in particular, but not exclusively, by providing professional counselling services), to children and young people and their families regardless of difference, background or identity who live, work or study in Reading and the surrounding area.

    Their Operations team are made up of Lived Experience Young Leaders – young people and former service users who now have professional roles in the staff team, including leading their Young Ambassador Scheme – a group of young people and former service users who are part of co-designing and delivering their services.

    They have created a series of reports that aim to provide valuable insights and information on various topics related to young people’s mental health, helping to educate and inform individuals, communities and organisations about the latest developments and best practices.

    Visit their website

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  • Noa


    Noa supports girls from the Orthodox Jewish community aged 12-24, who are struggling with the changes and upheavals that adolescence brings. Providing a safe, caring, non-judgemental environment in which the support offered will be tailored to each individual. 

    Adolescence can be a really difficult time, feeling alone, and most girls and young women find life somewhat challenging at a time when self-esteem, changing social situations and body image can become more central to everyday life.

    Keyworking is at the centre of Noa’s work. Girls are paired with a keyworker who works one-to-one to help girls face the challenges in their life. Providing practical support such as helping with access to Noa programmes and relevant external services available, finding the right vocational course or college programme, helping to locate adequate housing etc. A keyworker can help identify key life skills that may be helpful to work on together such as budgeting, nutrition and social skills. Keyworkers will also speak up for girls and fight your corner where you need a stronger voice, be it with external services, school and even your family. 

    They also have a large number of volunteer mentors from the community. Mentors are paired with girls who share similar interests to them so that they can explore and enjoy activities together. Mentors bring a new perspective and the added benefits of different life experiences to the friendship.

    Sometimes, therapy is a crucial part of the recovery process.  Noa seek the most appropriate therapy for each girl, including psychotherapy, CBT, art therapy and equine therapy.  Helping them to access therapy from other organisations and services such as Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS), the Tavistock and Jewish Women’s Aid.  Or provide privately funded therapy. Their in-house clinical team includes counselling psychologists, a clinical psychologist, a CBT therapist, art therapist, drama therapist, and a psychotherapist.  

    Blog: Choosing the right outcome measures

    Visit their website

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  • Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust

    Norfolk and Suffolk Foundation Trust

    Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust (NSFT) is a large mental health trust and an NHS Foundation Trust. It runs services in Norfolk and Suffolk, England, chiefly at Hellesdon Hospital, Norvic and Juilan Hospital in Norwich, Northgate in Great Yarmouth, and Carlton Court in Lowestoft.

    It was formed by a merger of Norfolk and Waveney Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust with Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust on 1 January 2012.

    Read the case study

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  • Outcomes First Group

    Outcomes First Group

    Outcomes First Group is a leading provider of world-class education.

    They believe every child will flourish in an environment intentionally crafted for their success and positive wellbeing. That exceptional education starts by knowing every child well enough to be able to tailor their teaching to their individual abilities and aspirations. It’s part of a culture of aspiration, in which academic ambition is complemented by pastoral care and personalised support.

    They're proud of the 97% success rate amongst their leavers proceeding into further education, employment or specialist training, who leave with the self-confidence and self-discipline needed to step up and embrace the bright futures that await them.

    Within their services and schools are:

    • Acorn Education - meeting the social and emotional needs of pupils who have faced trauma or adversity, equipping them for life’s important steps. Committed to delivering an outstanding, tailored package of transformative education for those whose experiences of trauma or adversity, may have made it seem such a future was out of reach.
    • Options Autism - supporting autistic pupils to value their uniqueness and access the world in their own way. Committed to delivering outstanding education, with a research-informed approach tailored specifically to each individual and supported by expert teams dedicated to understanding every child’s unique ability, needs and goals. They work with neurodivergent children and young adults with multiple, complex and co-occurring needs – often with diagnoses such as autism, ADHD or dyslexia.  

    Access Outcomes First website here

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  • Place2be


    We work with Place2Be, the UK's leading children's mental health charity providing in-school support and expert training to help improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families, teachers and school staff. Pupils can find help with friendship issues and other worries by choosing to visit Place2Talk. Children can book to see a counsellor on their lunch or break time and attend on their own or in a group. Place2Be also works with children individually and in small groups, offering regular time-tabled support for those who will benefit most, working closely with parents and school staff. 

    Place2Be also offers support and advice for parents and carers, as well as teachers and school staff. 

    Read our case study

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  • Quality network for inpatient CAMHS - QNIC

    Quality network for inpatient CAMHS - QNIC

    Over 95% of inpatient mental health services for children and young people are in the network. QNIC work with network members to share best practice at a national and international level. They use a review and accreditation process to promote the highest level of care.
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  • SLAM (South London and Maudsley)

    SLAM (South London and Maudsley)

    South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust provides the widest range of NHS mental health services in the UK. They also provide substance misuse services for people who are addicted to drugs and alcohol. Their services include the Maudsley Hospital and Bethlem Royal Hospital. They work closely with the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King’s College London. 

    They are supported by Maudsley Charity and are part of King’s Health Partners Academic Health Sciences Centre.

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  • South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

    South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust

    South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Foundation Trust employs over 8,300 people who together make up #TeamSTSFT.  Their staff work in lots of different locations doing lots of different things. They look after people at home, in the community and in hospital. They work in local health centres, schools and GP practices as well as their hospitals.    

    Within this are their services for Children and Young People, which includes Sunderland Community Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) -a team of professionals who offer support and advice to aid mental health and positive well-being. This service works with children and young people aged 0-18 who may be showing signs of emotional distress and/or behavioural difficulties. The aim is to deal with such difficulties at the earliest possible stage of intervention in the hope that children and young people will develop skills and resilience to promote positive well-being. 

    Visit their website

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  • SWEDA Sommerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association

    SWEDA Sommerset and Wessex Eating Disorders Association

    The Somerset & Wessex Eating Disorders Association (SWEDA) is a regional charity supporting people affected by eating disorders. Set up in 1992 by a group of people with eating disorders and their loved ones, SWEDA has grown to provide a range of services for people struggling with Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder and more. Our services also give support to family members and friends engaged in the difficult task of supporting someone close to them.

    Their stated aim is pro-recovery. Seeking to enable and empower people to improve their mental and physical health and wellbeing, thereby enriching their overall quality of life and helping them to be as healthy as possible. To facilitate this, SWEDA provides a range of services that offer information, guidance, training and support.

    SWEDA is user-led and based on the principles of self-help. At the heart of the organisation is a commitment to ensure that people who have lived experience of eating disorders are actively encouraged to contribute to the development and delivery of the service.


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  • Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust

    Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust

    Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Trust was created in April 2006, following the merger of County Durham and Darlington Priority Services NHS Trust and Tees and North East Yorkshire NHS Trust. They provide a range of mental health, learning disability and eating disorder services for the people living in County Durham and Darlington, the Tees Valley and most of North Yorkshire. With over 6,500 staff and an annual operating income of over £300 million we deliver our services by working in partnership with local authorities and clinical commissioning groups, a wide range of other providers including voluntary organisations and the private sector, as well as service users, their carers and the public.

    Children and young people’s services

    This service includes all child and adolescent mental health services and early intervention in psychosis services for the people of County Durham, Darlington, Teesside and North Yorkshire.

    Read this case study

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  • University Hospital Northern Norway

    University Hospital Northern Norway

    The University Hospital of North Norway or UNN is a hospital and health trust. UNN is a university hospital for the region which includes the counties of Nordland, Troms and Finnmark. It is part of the Northern Norway Regional Health Authority. Its service area has a combined population of 465,000.

    Their four primary tasks are treatment of patients, training of patients and next of kin, research, and education of health personnel. They also have psychiatric care and substance abuse treatment in Åsgård in Tromsø, in Harstad, in Narvik and in several other places in Troms and the Narvik area. 

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  • Unlocking Potential

    Unlocking Potential

    Unlocking Potential (UP) is a London-based charity that provides vital support to children in crisis and promotes early intervention to improve mental health and wellbeing. Through its independent primary school in Brent, UP offers alternative education for children facing significant challenges. Its in-school multidisciplinary service, UPLifting Children, works collaboratively with schools to deliver tailored mental health and wellbeing support for children, young people, and families.

    UP’s expert team of psychotherapists, speech and language therapists, and occupational therapists provides both one-to-one and group interventions, including long-term psychotherapy. The charity also offers the Speak UP self-referral drop-in service, allowing children to book confidential sessions with a therapist to discuss their concerns.

    In addition to supporting children, UP provides guidance to teachers and the wider school community and offers resources to parents, such as the UPLifting Families online parenting group.

    Visit Unlocking Potential's website here


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  • YPAS


    Established in 1966 the Young Person's Advisory Service (YPAS) is a charitable sector organisation that supports children, young people and families. They have 3 locations in Central, South and North Liverpool.

    YPAS provides a diverse range of support, counselling and psychotherapy services to address the mental health and emotional wellbeing difficulties of Liverpool's children and young people aged 16-25 years and their families.

    Their mission is to improve the mental health and emotional well-being needs of children, young people and families in a non-stigmatized environment, that allows them to:

    • deliver a wide range of support and therapeutic interventions
    • reach children, young people and families as early as possible
    • consistently monitor progress and change
    • work jointly with professionals across health, education and social care
    • include children, young people and families in the design and delivery of services
    • ensure services and pathways are accessible.

    YPAS Walk In Support Hub (WISH) provides same-day mental health support for children, young people, and families in Merseyside. Their practitioners can support children, young people, and families with emotional wellbeing needs and advise on various practical support issues. They will provide information, advice, and guidance and sometimes offer low-intensity CBT-based support models. You can find out more about timing and locations within their website.

    Visit the YPAS website here

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