Beyond, hosted by Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust, was established in 2021 with the aim of giving every child and young person in Cheshire and Merseyside the best possible start in life, maximising their opportunities to reach their potential. Beyond aims to support the NHS Long Term Plan commitments but has widened the scope of delivery to ensure a Population Health focus across key priority areas: Healthy Weight and Obesity, Respiratory, Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health, Learning Difficulties, Disabilities and Autism, Diabetes, Epilepsy, and Oral Health.
Beyond aims to listen to the voices of children and young people, to respond to their needs, and to transform their services, outcomes and life chances through integrated work across the partnership. Taking a partnership approach, the programme’s focus has been co-produced, and a “shift left” is key to its work – a shift to increase focus on integrated early intervention and prevention work that address wider determinants of health and social care.
The CORC team worked with partners in Cheshire and Merseyside to identify, evaluate and share learning on what is working well in the design and delivery of the Beyond and capture any elements for improvement.
The CORC team took a mixed methods approach to identify, evaluate and share learning on what is working well in the design and delivery of the Beyond.
A co-constructed theory of change was created which also supported the evaluation.
A strength of the programme is the priority and focus on children and young people, and the mobilisation of resources to address the challenges they face. Some key recommendations were developed for consideration as the programme moves forward, for example, to explore how to evidence the impact the programme has on children’s lives overall and over time.
You can access an easy read of the report, and the full report below:
Beyond evaluation: easy read summary
Beyond Programme evaluation report