Wellbeing Measurement for Schools staff survey
An opportunity to focus on the emotional wellbeing of school staff for the new school year
The start of the Autumn term presents schools with the perfect opportunity to re-focus on the emotional wellbeing of staff, and ensure that the provisions in place for the rest of the academic year align with the needs of colleagues. To support schools in this, a new survey and reporting window for the Wellbeing Measurement for Schools staff survey has been added and is available now.
The Wellbeing Measurement for School staff survey allows schools to understand areas of strength and challenge for their staff. Using validated tools to understand how staff are feeling, the survey asks questions about the ability and capacity of staff to support children and young people in the school, as well as exploring aspects of school culture which may be affecting staff wellbeing.
The survey is completed online and takes no more than 15 to 20 minutes. It is easy and straightforward for the school to administer and would fit perfectly, for example, as an activity on an inset day agenda at the beginning of term.
Schools will receive a Wellbeing Measurement for Schools survey report which takes the anonymised data from their school and compares it with data from other schools. This can be used to help schools better understand their staff team, identify strengths and challenges, and inform planning for the forthcoming academic year. In addition, aspects of the staff report relate to the Ofsted Education Inspection Framework, most specifically within the area of Leadership and Management.
Further information about Wellbeing Measurement for Schools is available here and schools can register for the staff survey online.
The option to receive the staff survey report by the end of October is available to select on the registration form now, but the last date to do so is Friday 15 September.