The purpose of the Wellbeing Measurement Staff Report is to give your school an overview of the data from your staff survey. The report analyses the data from your school and compares it with data from other schools. Validated tools are used to measure staff wellbeing and stress.
Your anonymised school report enables you to compare your staff with staff in other schools, helping you to better understand your team and identify strengths and challenges.
The report could be beneficial and support schools by:
- providing evidence of meaningful engagement
- identifying areas of need and informing decisions about support for staff and pupils
- enabling issues to be addressed
- gathering staff views of the support available in your school.
- indicating progress against targets in your School Improvement Plan or identifying future target areas.
You can find an example of this report here:
Ofsted relevance
The Ofsted Inspection Framework requires school and college leaders to consider staff wellbeing. Under the Leadership and Management category, inspectors will look at how settings support staff and staff wellbeing when they make their judgements. Schools and colleges are expected to engage with staff, take account of the pressures they experience and to protect them from bullying and harassment.
The Ofsted school inspection handbook states that inspectors will evaluate the extent to which ‘leaders take into account the workload and wellbeing of their staff, while also developing and strengthening the quality of the workforce’ (Ofsted 2024, point 360). The evaluation can include ‘any evidence the school has from regularly surveying its staff’ (point 413).
This is exemplified within the grade descriptor for outstanding leadership and management:
- ‘Leaders ensure that highly effective and meaningful engagement takes place with staff at all levels and that issues are identified. When issues are identified, in particular about workload, they are consistently dealt with appropriately and quickly’.
- ‘Staff consistently report high levels of support for wellbeing issues’ (point 475).
Further useful resources for staff wellbeing
Anna Freud has developed 5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing - a free, evidence-based framework to help you develop a holistic, whole-school or college approach to mental health, which aligns with the eight principles outlined in the Department for Educations whole-school guidance.
Resources on supporting staff wellbeing are also available here. These resources include case studies from schools who have taken positive steps to improve staff wellbeing.
Steps for schools
There are just four easy steps for measuring and understanding the mental wellbeing your school's staff.
Follow the four steps here
Benefit from the Wellbeing Measurement for Schools Staff Survey and get a Staff Survey Report for your school.
Resister here