CORC help organisations that support children and young people to measure mental health and wellbeing. To evaluate their work, understand the impact of what they do, and use evidence to identify and make improvements. We recognise children and young people’s right to have their views heard and acted upon – to have space, voice, audience and influence, and use the Lundy model to enact this across our work.
We provide resources across our website, including a library of outcome measures for measuring children and young people’s wellbeing and training and consultancy services. CORC also enables a membership and network of those who share a commitment to collecting and using evidence to improve children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing.
If you’d like to talk with one of our friendly CORC Regional Improvement Officers to discuss your organisation’s needs, and see how we could help, you can request a free 20-30 minute conversation by getting in touch. No obligations, just an exploratory and informative opportunity to discuss.
Our services include:
Expert support for collecting better mental health and wellbeing outcomes information
Service improvement and practice development
Data analysis, evaluation and research services
Wellbeing Measurement for Schools service for schools and colleges.
Membership options for small, medium and large organisations
Opportunities for shared learning, networking and influencing